Dear Members,
I do hope you find the details of next years programme enticing. I have tried to include topics which we have not covered recently and to include a wide range of areas we think of as `art'. There may be lectures which do not immediately appeal but may I suggest you still come! As a member myself in the past I often thought the upcoming lecture was not of interest to me. However, I always attended the meeting and can honestly say I was never disappointed. The quality of lectures is consistently good and I do think that throughout life we should always be attempting to expand our horizons. The Art Society is an excellent way of doing this!
Looking ahead I am booking speakers for 2025/6 and the programme is heavily based on YOUR suggestions. Thank you again to all those members who came up with good ideas and you will see I have been able to use almost all of them. Thank you too for all of you who accept the evaluation forms at each meeting from my friend Jenny Dee. I collect these and your evaluations are reported to the next committee meeting when we review our lectures and I send a review to the Arts Society. Jenny and I do appreciate how happily members take the form and help us in this way. Some of you may at times be hesitant but do have your say! It is important we collect a wide range of opinions.
I am very keen to involve members in creating our programmes and much appreciate how you have helped so far.
With many thanks for your interest and support,
All good wishes,
Please click on the images below to see the details of the lecture and lecturer.