Join Us Application For Membership

To see what you get with you memership click Here

If you like it, please complete the form as per the intructions below:


A red* by the field label means that the it is required.

Email*: enter your email address. (See note 1)

Login User Name: when you log on, if you want to use your email address, leave this blank. Otherwise, you can use any name you want providing no one else is already using it. (See note 2)

Courtesy Title: Select from the dropdown list or leave blank.

First Name*: Enter your first name.

Last Name*: Enter your last name.

Address Line 1*: Enter your first line of your address. (House Number/Name and Street Name)

Address Line 2: Enter the second line of address, if needed.  (Village Name)

City/Town*: Enter your City/Town Name.

County: Enter your county name or leave blank.

Post Code*: Enter your Post Code.

Country*: Enter the Country.

Phone Number: Enter one or more phone numbers

Select when you are joining*: (See note 3)

Membership Fee Due: This is automaticall calculated when you select the previous field.

Payment Method*: Select how you wish to pay.

By Online Bank Transfer: use Sort code 30 90 92, Account No. 00670739, Ref ASBVSubs

By Cheque: Payable to The Arts Society Blackmore Vale
Then Post to:
Hennie Walton,
Park House,
Whitechurch lane,
BA8 0PA.