Young Artists’ Christmas Exhibition 2019

The annual Young Artists’ Christmas Exhibition is now running from Friday 29th November until Saturday 14th December.  Prizes were awarded on Friday evening by the Chairman, Sheila Williams to Will Montgomery, Peter Hazzard and Sharon Hutchings.  George Thomas and Anne-Louise Richard’s exhibits were Highly-Commended.

The Guggleton Gallery Young Arts Christmas Exhibition – 2018

Isabel de Pelet , First Prize winner Will Montgomery and Sheila Williams at the Awards Ceremony held on  Friday 16 November 2018

Max Denison-Pender and Will Montgomery

The Bachelor of Balintore – the bronze sculpture which won First Prize

Hannah Cox receiving Third Prize for her two mixed media French street scenes

Jill de Bretton-Gordon, Mary Anderson and Will Montgomery

Winter Nag, winner of the Second Prize awarded to Madeleine de St. Pierre Bunbury

Pottery and Painting Day at St. George’s School, Bourton

On Thursday 22 November, our Society funded a day’s painting and pottery class run by Mr Des Alner for 34 young pupils at St. George’s School, Bourton.  Due to the strictures of the National Curriculum pupils do not have much opportunity to learn pottery or to learn how to paint. They enjoyed spending a day moulding pots from clay using the same methods used by the early Romans. Some of the pots may well become Christmas presents when they have been fired by Des later in the week. We hope to fund another day early in the New Year.

Golden Lecture

To celebrate 50 years of support of Young Arts by The Arts Society we sponsored two lectures in local comprehensive schools. Given by highly qualified Arts Society lecturers these lectures gave year 12 and 13 students an opportunity to step outside the curriculum and learn about and appreciate the arts.